Plan a Visit


The best first step for anyone is to attend a Service!


First Apostolic meets every week on Sundays and Wednesdays at 118 East University Drive, in Somerset, KY

Sunday 1:00 - 2:00 pm

Christian Education (Sunday School) classes for all ages meet in classrooms for a time of learning with friends. Adults meet in the Sanctuary for lessons in Christian growth and living

Sunday 2:15 pm

Everyone gathers in the Sanctuary for the worship service. This is the time for uplifting worship, prayer and encouraging bible messages from the Pastor

Wednesday 7:00 pm

Classes are held for children, students and college/career ages. Bible study is taught in the sanctuary for adults


 What to Expect


 Our Sunday worship gathering is a vibrant service focused on making a big deal of Jesus. This is your time to join with fellow worshipers and celebrate what God has done and is doing in you and in the world. Services are energized and uplifting. Everyone is encouraged to sing, praise, pray, and allow the message to speak to their heart.




Where Do I Go When I Get There?

Come on in! The main doors are at the front of the building, and the sanctuary is located on the left as you walk in.

What Do I Do With My Kids?

We have a great children’s program and teachers that would love to meet your kids! Children’s classes meet on Wednesday and during Sunday School. And on Sunday, everyone gathers in the sanctuary for Worship. Of course, the Nursery is always available for the little ones.

What About The Music?

Apostolic worship is a joy-filled experience focusing on Jesus and declaring His greatness. Although we don’t hold to one particular style of music, you can expect to sing songs with a contemporary gospel sound.

How Should I Dress?

Come as you are and be expected to be welcomed as our special guest! You will see some people dressed casual and comfortable, some dressed formal and not so comfortable, and a little bit of everything in between. Everyone is welcome to join in and enjoy the service!